Monday, November 10, 2008

Change will come!

I know we all go through times of thinking, will change ever come.  Will my job get better, will my kid ever grow up, will my family ever learn to pickup after themselves...the list can go on forever. There was a time in my life where I was always in a state of waiting for change.  You see, I believed that change was dependent on others.  I believe improvement was possible but the first place I would look was to others then maybe me.  What a way to live!  That's behind me now. But recently I was looking for change in all the wrong places.  I was almost to the point of walking away from the situation thinking the change could never come.  But I am wrong!!  
To believe that change will never come is handing over responsibility and even more, is not trusting.   In any situation there is always personal responsibility.  We see this as we may want to advance in our job.  We take on more work to show a desire for more responsibilities that will bring about change.  When we want a child to take responsibility for cleaning their room we know the best way to teach them is to model that responsibility.  In both instances modeling the desired behavior is the best way to create change.  When people see a change in you, change will happen.
So what about the trust?  In my situation, the one I wanted to walk away from, I believed that change was only possible through others.  This is where the trust comes in, it comes from me. I'm not trusting myself to model the change.  Change, no matter what, can only come from me. And taking it a step further, change can only come when I am willing to trust that God trusts in me.  Let me say that again, God trusts me.  Wow!  What would it mean if I modeled God trusted me?  It goes back to responsibility.  For my situation to change I must be responsible, model the responsibility and show that the trust I have in God is a two way street. I trust Him and He trust me!  
Making me "Fit for Him"!  

Till next time!

PS.  Trust yourself Pieper, be the change you want to see!  I love you!

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