Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Are my eyes open to inspiration?  Am I willing or desiring to be inspired?  There was a time that I was looking to be inspired.  My thinking was, if I were to be inspired it as because of someone else.  It's that way for many of us.  I looked to others for inspiration.  An inspiration that was short lived.  It wasn't permanent. 
There are two ways to use inspiration as I see it.  One to make us feel better which is temporary. Or an inspiration was already within us looking for a way to be released.  
I have spent money on book, CD's and time looking for the magic pill that would inspire me to fill in the blank.  I'm not alone when I say this.  We are a people with an insatiable need for being fulfilled.  And I don't mean that in a bad way.  God created this within each one of us. It is a normal God-given part of who we are.  
So, my question is, why do we look outside ourselves for inspiration?  Yes, there will be a person, place or thing that will spark the beginnings of inspiration but why not look inside? Why not look to our own hearts, mind and soul for the answers.  I know that when I have looked inside to acknowledge the inspiration then act on it, it becomes what I was intended to be.  I am doing what God has made me for.  I have opened my eyes to what He sees in me.  I have acknowledged His glory within me.  How powerful is that!  Making me Fit for Him.

Till next time,

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