Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Greater Purpose

"For when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep"...Acts 13:36 This verse came from a daily devotional that I get by email.  It talked about purpose being greater than achievement and how our life purpose must be in the interest of others or it will become manipulation and exploitation.  This I can understand though I have a long way to understand and live it.  What stuck me was the verse of David completing his purpose.  
I have many faults but the one that jumps out by reflecting on David completing his purpose as how I give up before God is ready.  There have been so many situations that I have dropped the assignment before completion due to my insecurity, fear of failure or asking God for strengthen.  You see, it is more important for me to feel secure and safe about myself than anything else.  I've struggled with lack of confidence for the greater part of my life.  I used a great amount of energy insuring that I would be comfortable and have the approval of others so I wouldn't have to suffer the pain of my inabilities.  
This blog has helped reveal my insecurity.  At first I was excited and looked forward to sharing. But as time went by it became harder to open up and share what was in my heart.  I could tell that I was using the blog for a purpose that wasn't in the best interest of others and wasn't using it for God's purpose.  
When it was starting getting harder and more uncomfortable to open myself up, the easier it was to stop writing and give up.  I'm a pro at giving up!  But David's life is telling me not to. I don't know how this blog will continue or what direction it will take but I will place my confidence in Him!  Making me Fit for Him!

Till next time! 


Emily said...

The current sermon series at my church speaks to what you're talking about. You can listen to the audio from the church website. I think this past Sunday was call "Red Tape"... kind of about the excuses we give for not fully giving our lives over to God's control. It was very insightful. I think I've used every excuse he listed at least one time or another (well, probably more than that!)

Love you!

Emily said...

Here's the address to the video

Becky said...

Thanks Em!