Saturday, August 2, 2008


Mindset:  an attitude, disposition, or mood.  This is the definition of mindset.  What is interesting to me is it having to do with disposition.  I guess I've always connected mindset with attitude, my attitude is negative about myself...etc.  Then I looked up disposition:  the predominant or prevailing tendency of one's spirit.  THAT is what I talking about when I'm looking at my own mindset.  What is the tendency of my own spirit?  Boy, that goes deep!  But that where change can only happen.  Yeah, we can change the outer shell, loose weight, eat right, exercise, change our hair and the list goes on.  These are not bad things.  It can help but only on the outside and it can be temporary.  In a matter of weeks, days, hours and even minutes we can be right back where we started.  
If you're ready for a change start paying attention to your heart.  What are you telling yourself during the fast pace of a day?  Is the day filled with uplifting messages of love, grace and peace?  Or is it filled with the latest expression of displeasure with the way you've let your self go?
Our mindset is that way to be Fit for Him!

Till next time!


Emily said...

Ever thought about how connect your "mindset" is to spiritual warfare? Ummmm... I believe it's safe to say our minds are the battle ground for spiritual warfare. God has revealed to me that I am not the generator of negative thoughts in my brain... the devil is! I learned that I can pray for God to bind up those thought and take them away, because they are evil and God is far more powerful than our enemy.

We all have issues keeping our thoughts positive, holy, and pure. But regardless of the way negativity manifests itself it all comes from the same source... our enemy, the devil. Somehow, I find GREAT power in that truth. No matter what I'm struggling with... what is attempting to oppress me... my God is bigger and all I have to do is say his name!

Becky said...

Amen sister!