Saturday, August 9, 2008


We all know athletes use mind training to improve their performance.  This takes time and energy to accomplish along with many frustrations. But in the long run it can pay off big time! This can be used for changing most anything that we want to improve.  I believe that God is in the business of mind training.  Romans 12:2 uses training "by renewing of our minds".  This can be put in action daily, hourly and every minute if we agree to the challenge.  
There was a time that I had a very critic mind.  Most of my time and energy was spent wearing myself out with the critic.  I nicknamed the critic "Mr Negative".  Mr. Negative ruled my thoughts and everything was filter through Mr. Negative no matter if I was talking or someone was talking to me.  At present I surprised my head didn't exploded from the toxins that built up of the years!  
What I've learned from this is, I could retrain my mind to think positive thoughts.  It was as if I was sweeping the floor clean or cleaning out a closet.  Our minds are like closets too.  We tend to pack closets into our lives maybe it's easier to control.  These closets can be stuffed with junk (negative thoughts) that hasn't been dealt in years.  So, now we're ready to do some cleaning!  Good for you!  First, be mindful that this is a process, it won't happen over night. Giving yourself permission to go slowly which is most important.  The slower by which you take this challenge the more conscious you will be.  The more conscious you are the more you'll be able to stop and retrain that thought into a positive one.  And most important is to pray for God's help in  the "transformation".  Isn't that in the verse?  Go figure!  Making us Fit for Him!

Till next time!


Jenny said...

Only one more Monday after today and you will be here!!

Becky said...
