I just came from a "Fit for Him" meeting and what an encouragement! It was so moving to be in the same room with others that share the same goal. The goal of changing our behavior and attitudes to becoming fit for Him. This was a blessing from God and I thank you Father. I have been strengthened by the honesty, truth and resolve that comes from these women's precious heart.
One of the struggles I have as I journey through becoming fit is that very thing, honesty and truth. It is so much easier to give into the eating or not to exercise than tapping into the strengthen that is present within me. I know it's there because I have used it for other people in my life. My oldest daughter at the age of three became ill with Reyes Syndrome and was in coma for two weeks. From the beginning I pour all my energy into caring for her. I had to tap into strengthen I never as aware of. All most effortlessly I moved through painful days that could be because of strengthen.
Yes, that was a different situation. We all move mountains for our children. But the point is the strengthen is the same no matter what the driving force is. Strengthen is strengthen and it is comes from with in you!
We can use this strengthen to become fit, grow in our job, love that person that is a challenge to love and to move mountains. The source is what we need to knowledge. God is the source of strengthen that He has planted with in us all, no matter what the situation is. It was through God that Phillip and I were able to use our strengthen to care for our daughter. God showed us that we could handle and make the tuff decisions. It was God who showed us that we do have all we need within ourselves to patiently wait for healing. It was God who showed us that we weren't alone and that others of all faiths were using their strengthen in prayer to the same God for healing.
The message here is to grow in awareness and acceptance of your own strengthen. God has suppled you with it. Are you using it?