Are we making the time for conversations that will move us, impact us, cause us to stop and think or help develop us? If you're not then neither is someone else...
Well Hello There!
9 years ago
Fit for Him is a way to reach others who are interested in changing their beliefs about food, fitness and themselves. Through a community of like mind people change will happen when each individual excepts a new belief about themselves through God.
You are so right about quality conversation. It is about personal preference and this is something that I crave. I have always been the kind of person who needs "deep" relationships & friendships. I am willing to open myself up to others & let them see me & I expect the same from others. I was even this way as a teenager. There certainly is risk involved with letting someone that get that close to you but the blessings far outweigh those risks! The growth & richness that comes from this adds a quality to life that people don't realize they are getting. It is among the finer things in life that money can't buy. It helps us to love ourselves because we examine ourselves from within & it also helps us to love others in the way God truly wants us to- unconditionally.
I have been thinking a lot about core beliefs and integrity. When our core beliefs agree with God's word in the bible & we have really studied & searched & we know that they are God's truth, do we stand by our beliefs? Or do we keep quiet & "water" them down so that we don't offend anyone? The challenge is to stand by God's truth & speak the truth in love. I believe that if we can learn how to do this, we will begin to live lives of true integrity. When we keep quiet or "water" down our beliefs to keep from offending someone & to keep "unity & harmony," that we are believing a lie because it is "false" unity & harmony. People will always have different beliefs & will lovingly disagree but what exactly are we sacrificing when we are afraid to speak the truth?
watered down is a great choice of words! fear is a huge deterrent for all of us.
I think this includes making difficult phone calls or visits. For example, when someone is really in need and there's really noting you can say or do to help the situation. I know I always use that as an excuse not to connect, because I feel helpless. Really, if I don't reach out I'm being selfish. I don't have to say profound things or try to fix the situation. God only calls me to be present. He'll take care of the rest!
You are so right. This applies to every area of our lives- work, church, family; anywhere that we have a relationship or fellowship with others. So many times we don't know what to do or say so we do nothing! You have a lot of insight.
It also says volumes when you don't make the effort to connect by phone, visit, email, whatever. It says, "I don't care enough to do it." Every aspect of our lives speaks to others, whether or not we are conscious of it at the time. You are so right about letting God take care of it. Just show up and let Him work. It will be amazing!!!! Showing others we love them so often just means saying, "I'm here." Your presence is enough and so needed.
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