Thursday, July 10, 2008


Here's an example of the negative inner talk.  Today I was really hungry for lunch.  Jake and I went to a cafe for soup and salad.  I usually have a small salad and cup of soup, not to bad you might say.  But the soup as a cream soup! mmm!  Well, the past three days I've been doing very good and by the four day, today, I was very hungry for something with substance and cream of broccoli cheese soup did it for me.  Normally I wouldn't have "bat an eye" over the choice but today the inner voice was questioning the choice and I was telling myself that I didn't have the eat all the soup.  Was that the truth?  Remember I was really hungry.  By the end of the meal I finished off all the soup and salad and boy was it good!  With the last bite the negative talk kicks in asking, was the cream soup the best choice?  Did I eat to much?  Well, I'll just exercise it off!  No, I shouldn't have ordered the cream soup!  Should'a, would'a, could'a the rest of the way till I'm distracted with something else.  
Does this sound familiar?   Let me know!

Till next time!


Jenny said...

Cream soup is not the worst offense out there. I would say if you really wanted the cream soup simply evaluate the rest of your meals that day and adjust. If you couldn't control yourself, that would be the bigger issue, not the soup.

Becky said...

jen, when a person is looking at the reasons for poor choices of eating healthy or lack of exercising one of the areas to examine would be the negative inner voice. Becoming aware and listening to negative talk is the message. Maybe I should have made that clearer.

Becky said...

jen, when a person is looking at the reasons for poor choices of eating healthy or lack of exercising one of the areas to examine would be the negative inner voice. Becoming aware and listening to negative talk was the blog message. Maybe I should have made that clearer.