Tuesday, July 1, 2008

In the Beginning...

Well, here we go!  My sweet sister suggested using a blog, thinking it would be a good way to add support for me and all the others who are looking to change bad eating and exercise behaviors. This change isn't easy.  Since February I have quit diet sodas and limited sugar but every day it is a struggle.  Some days are good some aren't.  As of today I've had four chocolate chip cookies, one M & M Blizzard and two double scoop chocolate mousse ice cream from BR! All of this since Saturday.  What can I say...I'm on a role.  
As you can see I need help and  having a community to turn to for support, advise and accountability is a start.  Trying to change bad behaviors alone is hard but asking for the help of others can ease the frustration and promote growth that will lead to change.  Help is a beautiful thing when open hearts are willing to listen and act on what God is showing us.  A community is God's way of talking through others for our benefit but we must be willing to listen, have an open mind and share.  
So as we begin this journey remember we are in it together!  Each one of us has something to offer the community no matter what it is.  Sharing will bring success to all who resolve to make the most of this journey and community.  So what are you waiting for...join in!

Till next time!


Jenny said...

Wow I am really proud of you. I've been told the best way to learn is to teach or in this case share. I joined the blog world against my will b/c I cannot comment on newer blogs without being a blogger myself. By the way I don't know how you can find my blog. I think the url is jleecary2008. Let me know if you can't find it.

Becky said...

I left you a note on your blog

richlyblessed said...

I, too am proud of you. Admitting you need help is so hard when the problem is so personal. I have been struggling a lot lately. Just feel like a failure and a huge disappointment to both myself and my Lord. Why is this battle with food so difficult??? It hurts so much, but I want to conquer it and God says we are more than conquerors. I'm ready for the battles ahead. He's already won the war!!! Praise God!!

Larissa said...

Hi Jenny's mom!!! :) I can't wait to read your blog! I too struggle with some of these same things. (As I just ate two donuts) Hope the world of Grants is good!

Becky said...

richlyblessed, Thank you for the note. I need to know that I'm not alone and your encouragement is such a blessing!

Becky said...

Larissa, this blogging thing is amazing! The journey so far through the battle of food has been interesting, hard and humbling but I'm confident in the Lord! For now that's all I can say...I never know what tomorrow will bring. :-)

Phyllis said...

Okay Becky, I'm gonna jump right in just like you did! This is my first time to blog too. I too am trying to have a more healthy lifestyle & lose weight because I need to. One of the things that I do to help keep me from getting discouraged is: I drink Coke- real Coke, not diet. I have "given up" a lot of things- candy, cake, ice cream, fried foods etc. & I have started exercising 3-5 days a week (it depends on the week). The reason I drink Coke is because it's a psychological thing- if I'm drinking Coke I'm not "deprived." That's it & I am losing weight. If I wasn't then I would definitely consider losing my Cokes! Maybe.

Becky said...

Phyllis, boy I know what you mean! "giving up" is the hardest! but hang in there and enjoy the ride

Emily said...

Good job, mom!

One thing I do... eat a lot of veggies. Of course, I pick the ones I like. You can start out small... for example, eat vegitables for dinner (I struggle the most with overeating at night). You could eat other things as well, but I always make sure to eat my veggies first so I will fill up on them instead of not-so-healthy foods.

Also, if I'm having a sweet-tooth I tell my self "if you really need something sweet, then an apple should be enough." If an apple does not sound good to me, then I know the "hunger" is in my head and I do my best wait the craving out. However, I do eat sweets on the weekend (in moderation).

Becky said...

thank you em...:-)

richlyblessed said...

Great class last night. Thanks for listening to God and acting on it. I am hopeful this is what we all long for...a closer relationship with Him and fellowship with each other. MB was right on with it being about love. My question...how do you learn to love yourself? Oh, how I desire the answer to that one. Thanks again.

Bonnie, Estes Life Coaching said...

ok, here I go into the blogger pool...
I have several "Rules" for myself when it comes to food. One rule is desrets only on the weekend.
Only 2 deserts on the weekend.(more Rules...I must confess... Im a control freak) The trouble is the 5 days in between the weekend...I want something sweet!!!! To make it to the weekend many times I have BANNANA DIPPED IN RICE KRISPIES! Heaven!
Food is truly my weakness...rules help me keep control.