Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I just walked 2 miles for the second day.  I'm an on and off exerciser.  Probably I walk 6 months out of the year.  But with starting Fit for Him it has be a good jump start.  Thanks!  It's not that I don't like it, the truth is I love it.  I'm slightly competitive so by the time I've completed 2 miles my pace is faster then when I started.  For some reason I love pushing myself, though it may not look so.  So why wouldn't I be walking all the time?  I think I need the support of others.  I've been successful in the past with out others but never stick with it.  Knowing there is a group of wonderful women every week wanting to know how I did makes a difference. 

Thanks guys!



Jenny said...

the only thing that I do consistently
is spuratic exercise. I have asked God why that is and haven't found the answer yet. I'm not that frustrated, one day it will be revealed.

richlyblessed said...

I, too, struggle with wanting to exercise. There was a time in my younger life that I did Jazzercise twice a day. I never was a size 6 (or less) nor did I feel energized like I was told I would or should have. It was very discouraging. Now that I'm not a kid any more, it is harder to make myself exercise just for the sake of lookin' good (I don't think I do nor do I think it will change my outward appearance). I guess I've either lost hope or accepted reality. But, I try to walk 4-5 times a week in the warm months, which is woefully short, so that my heart and joints are happier. It sure seems unfair that others can do what I do and look marvelous. I am learning to accept that that is just the way things are. You don't always get what you want, but you always get what you get. I am trying to believe God when He says He works things out for the best for those who love Him. I'm trying to surrender and just love and trust Him more. I sure wish my arms and legs weren't as fat and flabby as they are. It's definitely in the genes!!

Becky said...

For me it's laziness. I'm choosing not to over just doing it.

Phyllis said...

Bless you Becky for your honesty! I am the same way- lazy. I would rather not do it! Also, I had a thought yesterday. For me accountability has always been a negative thing. I think I'm going to have to "answer" to someone & that I will have to explain or justify all of my actions. But I have realized that is not true at all! When we have accountability the way God intends it there is nothing but love- no judging & no condemnation! And it is a beautiful, amazing thing! It brings us closer in our fellowship with each other & worship of God. We encourage each other & love each other! Thanks guys!