Wednesday, December 10, 2008

So I reading this book "Anatomy of Peace" by The Arbinger Group and it talks about seeing people as objects or as people, there is a difference.  Seeing people as objects will lead to a collision that is a result of lack of communication, engaging and ego.  On the other hand seeing people as people will be the opposite and is communicating, engaging without ego. 
I'm not even half way through the book but after reading a good portion Sunday night I wanted to become more intentional with my relationships at work, thinking this would be a good place to start.  What I noticed were those I treat as objects, one person in particular.  
This is a good place to start making me "Fit of Him".

Till next time! 

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'm going through a frustrating time spiritually.  I'm not even sure to call it a "spiritual problem" or if it's a desire.  What I know is my heart wants to speak.  I want to talk about what is going on, what has been changed in me and what can be in the future.  But I'm not sure how to go about it, this is the frustration. So I guess I do know.  
Talking about the mysteries of God is one of many topic of Him that interest me.  Lately I think I've been suppressing the desire thinking that my focus needed to be else where.  But today I'm not so sure.  God has brought people into my life that are in need of His healing power.  I feel so privileged to talk with them as they work to sort out their pain and hurts.  It's a rush to see their minds and hearts open up to what God can do.  I'm so thankful for the opportunities and am always wanting more.  This is the frustrating part.  I want to do this more but not sure how to go about it in a larger capacity.  
There will be days that I have a craving to put together a retreat that focus on this or that.  I spend time dreaming of ways to reach more people and share what God has blessed me with. When I hear of people struggling with relationships, esteem or whatever, it ignites a fire in me. But then something stops it and I question myself.  Is this real?  Is this what I'm to be doing?  I don't have the back ground to be a speaker or to counsel others.  Yes, I've experienced healing but does God want me to go in this direction?  Maybe I could work the job I have then do something else in the way of ministry on the weekends?  Maybe God will drop something in my lap of what I'm to do?  Or maybe He wants me just were I am.  But, my day dreams aren't fulfilling my hearts desires.
This is were ya'll come in!  I need prayers.  Pray that God will show me the way to reach more people or ask Him to grant me peace that I will continue to do His work just where I'm.  Either way I want to do His will for I'm confident that it will be fulfilling to my soul making me Fit for Him.

Till next time!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Change will come!

I know we all go through times of thinking, will change ever come.  Will my job get better, will my kid ever grow up, will my family ever learn to pickup after themselves...the list can go on forever. There was a time in my life where I was always in a state of waiting for change.  You see, I believed that change was dependent on others.  I believe improvement was possible but the first place I would look was to others then maybe me.  What a way to live!  That's behind me now. But recently I was looking for change in all the wrong places.  I was almost to the point of walking away from the situation thinking the change could never come.  But I am wrong!!  
To believe that change will never come is handing over responsibility and even more, is not trusting.   In any situation there is always personal responsibility.  We see this as we may want to advance in our job.  We take on more work to show a desire for more responsibilities that will bring about change.  When we want a child to take responsibility for cleaning their room we know the best way to teach them is to model that responsibility.  In both instances modeling the desired behavior is the best way to create change.  When people see a change in you, change will happen.
So what about the trust?  In my situation, the one I wanted to walk away from, I believed that change was only possible through others.  This is where the trust comes in, it comes from me. I'm not trusting myself to model the change.  Change, no matter what, can only come from me. And taking it a step further, change can only come when I am willing to trust that God trusts in me.  Let me say that again, God trusts me.  Wow!  What would it mean if I modeled God trusted me?  It goes back to responsibility.  For my situation to change I must be responsible, model the responsibility and show that the trust I have in God is a two way street. I trust Him and He trust me!  
Making me "Fit for Him"!  

Till next time!

PS.  Trust yourself Pieper, be the change you want to see!  I love you!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

About Voting...

For permanent change, it's Jesus Christ.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Last weekend I attended a music festival with my daughter Emily in Austin, Tx.  I had always wanted to go but it was never convenient, plus there wasn't anyone to go with.  I was excited and didn't know what to expect.  It turned out be a weekend of surprises all around!  Looking back I'm glad I didn't know because knowing the way I think, I would have messed it up!  You know what I mean, the way we look to the future and have it all  planned out before it happens. For all the controllers out there I know I'm not alone.  
Years ago I would have spent the majority of time planning out every moment down to the minute of what I would be doing and when.  Each activity would be replayed over and over in my head to insure of my comfort or that I could handle all situations and there would be no surprises.  No "flying by the seat of her pants" for this gal.  
Thank goodness for God's transforming powers!  For the most part I was busy till leaving for Austin.  Emily and I made contact the morning I was to leave by email letting her know the time of arrival.  I hadn't even looked at the map to see where the motel was or called to verify reservations.  This was totally out of character for me and it didn't bother me.
The weekend was more than I can put into words.  It was as if I had arrived home.  That's what music does for me.  As a child growing up music was a big part of my life.  Whether at church or home, music was always there.  Today music is play on my computer as I write.  
But this wasn't the only surprise.  Emily and I were able to connect with family and a new baby that we hadn't seen for awhile.  But that's not all!  As we were making our way home we stopped in Waco to use the restroom.  A young man stopped us as we were going into the Shell station and asked for a ride if we were going to Dallas, which we were.  What a shock!  I was speechless, nervous and wondering why me all at the same time.  What would Phillip think, what if he's an ax murder, why if, why if...etc. etc.  There are many valid reasons why two women shouldn't pickup a hitchhiker!  Am I right!  Well, before I knew it I said "yes".  Now what have I done.  But the truth was I believe that God was giving me the peace and confidence to say yes.  If wasn't long ago that such an encounter would have been unthinkable.  The fear would have controlled my actions and I sure I missed opportunities in the past because of it.  
I would never suggest that we all pickup  hitchhiker but I am saying that if fear is in your life God can free you.  God supplies all our needs to go into the world to serve others, even hitchhikers, making us Fit for Him!

Till next time!    

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Food gods

I want more than anything to put the Food god to rest.  For the duration of my life on this earth to be able to have that part be at peace.  So, I want to confess that my understanding of this part of my life is messed up.  If it were as easy as "just say no" it would have happened.  But now what I'm wondering of the connection food has with body, mind and soul.  The older I get the more this is being revealed that everything is connected. To understand that just saying "no" is enough hasn't worked.  I need more.  If my soul longs for God to set me free from hate or pride why wouldn't it long to be free from the food too?  
One answer to this maybe in the confession of the hold it has on me.  What it will take is true honesty that will invited a view of what I believe about myself.  I want to understand the relationship I have created with food.  Why do I think of food as much?  What does thinking of food this much during the day add or take away from the day?  Am I devoting just as much thought to my Lord as to food?  Is my day centered on Him and what I am to be doing for Him? There is more to this but I can't do it alone.  I need your prayers.  I need for us to pray that God will open my eyes to the truth of what, why and how this addiction operates.  I have experienced other revelations that have given a permanent change so I believe it will happen.  
So please pray that our confessions will be honest and open so that He can reveal.  My desire is to be Fit for Him!

Till next time     

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Greater Purpose

"For when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep"...Acts 13:36 This verse came from a daily devotional that I get by email.  It talked about purpose being greater than achievement and how our life purpose must be in the interest of others or it will become manipulation and exploitation.  This I can understand though I have a long way to understand and live it.  What stuck me was the verse of David completing his purpose.  
I have many faults but the one that jumps out by reflecting on David completing his purpose as how I give up before God is ready.  There have been so many situations that I have dropped the assignment before completion due to my insecurity, fear of failure or asking God for strengthen.  You see, it is more important for me to feel secure and safe about myself than anything else.  I've struggled with lack of confidence for the greater part of my life.  I used a great amount of energy insuring that I would be comfortable and have the approval of others so I wouldn't have to suffer the pain of my inabilities.  
This blog has helped reveal my insecurity.  At first I was excited and looked forward to sharing. But as time went by it became harder to open up and share what was in my heart.  I could tell that I was using the blog for a purpose that wasn't in the best interest of others and wasn't using it for God's purpose.  
When it was starting getting harder and more uncomfortable to open myself up, the easier it was to stop writing and give up.  I'm a pro at giving up!  But David's life is telling me not to. I don't know how this blog will continue or what direction it will take but I will place my confidence in Him!  Making me Fit for Him!

Till next time! 

Thursday, September 4, 2008

God is good even on vacations!

I'm home!  What a great vacation I had and what fun it was being with family!  I love being with family and being back home (Texas).  One of the highlights was being at my Dad's ranch in central Texas.  He and my stepmom live in a small town called DeLeon which is about two hours south west of Fort Worth.  I felt a calm in my soul that happens when I set foot on the front porch.  Dad and his wife moved there about 18 years old and for the last 10 years our family has met for Labor Day weekend.  This year there were only three out of 19 that were able to make the trip but a fun time as had by all.  As much as I love being there one of my most memorable and blessed time of the vacation wasn't being at the ranch.  Early in the week while I was in the Dallas area Dad had a doctors appointment and I had the opportunity to accompany him.  It was the first time in probably 20 years I got to spend the whole morning with Dad, just the two of us.  I loved it!  Just me and my dad!  
I will always cherish that blessing!  

Till next time!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I love vacation!  What's not to love about it.  The feeling of cutting loose and flowing with the wind, living moment to moment, free as a bird...etc. etc. etc.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if daily life was about enjoying every day as if it you were on vacation?  What would a day look like?  What needs to change to make that happen?  Vacations are about having fun, relaxing and releasing the stresses and demands that we place on ourselves.  I know that just before I leave my mind is preparing to be on vacation.  My focus becomes intentional, doing the tasks that need to be done in order to have the "vacation" I want.  So what if I spent even a little more time focusing daily in living intentionally to be Fit for Him?  Now, what would that look like?  Less stress, knowing that the demands of life would be taken care of, letting Him move through me so that every moment would be fulfilled to His glory and in return the feeling of being on vacation?  His love, grace and mercy can move us to a freedom of being on vacation!  Praise Him!

Till next time! 

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sea Sick!

Father, You've told me that when I ask, I am to believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.  James 1:6
This is the verse I've been looking at in the mornings as I get ready for the day.  Becoming Fit for Him!

Till next time!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


We all know athletes use mind training to improve their performance.  This takes time and energy to accomplish along with many frustrations. But in the long run it can pay off big time! This can be used for changing most anything that we want to improve.  I believe that God is in the business of mind training.  Romans 12:2 uses training "by renewing of our minds".  This can be put in action daily, hourly and every minute if we agree to the challenge.  
There was a time that I had a very critic mind.  Most of my time and energy was spent wearing myself out with the critic.  I nicknamed the critic "Mr Negative".  Mr. Negative ruled my thoughts and everything was filter through Mr. Negative no matter if I was talking or someone was talking to me.  At present I surprised my head didn't exploded from the toxins that built up of the years!  
What I've learned from this is, I could retrain my mind to think positive thoughts.  It was as if I was sweeping the floor clean or cleaning out a closet.  Our minds are like closets too.  We tend to pack closets into our lives maybe it's easier to control.  These closets can be stuffed with junk (negative thoughts) that hasn't been dealt in years.  So, now we're ready to do some cleaning!  Good for you!  First, be mindful that this is a process, it won't happen over night. Giving yourself permission to go slowly which is most important.  The slower by which you take this challenge the more conscious you will be.  The more conscious you are the more you'll be able to stop and retrain that thought into a positive one.  And most important is to pray for God's help in  the "transformation".  Isn't that in the verse?  Go figure!  Making us Fit for Him!

Till next time!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

1 2 3...

I think I've talked about how I use to get up in the morning and the first thought in my head was food.  Then I spent the rest of the morning planning what I would eat during the day.  It was an all morning process.  I would inventory what I had at home in the pantry or fridge or plan a trip to the store to buy what was needed.  Looking back on this behavior, I can see several things going on. First I know I was bored at the time.  There wasn't anything that I was looking forward to or  that was challenging.  Second, I wasn't ready to look inward.  And third, grace (God's grace).  
In the past I know I was waiting and looking for something big or for a mighty push to jump start me.  In other words, I want God to do it all for me.  I wanted Him to make me healthy.  I wanted to sit back and let Him do all the work...maybe I'd watch, maybe not!  I guess I was thinking God didn't need my help or participation.  It was one sided.  I was not in a partnership with Him.  It was all Him and not me.  
Now I'm seeing health in a different way, now there's the challenge and I'm not bored!  Asking God to challenge me to be healthy was the jump start.  I couldn't do this without the challenge of exercise for example.  Going inward and looking at my responsibilities has brought a partnership with God that is fulfilling.  When I don't want to do this anymore and believe me there are times, I am not owning my responsibility.  Last, grace and what it has done.  I'm not prefect by any means!  There are days that I over eat, have to much chocolate and don't exercise.  But I'm learning that when I have trials this is an open door for me to go through and explore with His spirit.  The Holy Spirit will show me what is really going on within and be there was I acknowledge and prepare to move on allowing grace to fill my soul.  
Making me Fit for Him!

Till next time!


Saturday, August 2, 2008


Mindset:  an attitude, disposition, or mood.  This is the definition of mindset.  What is interesting to me is it having to do with disposition.  I guess I've always connected mindset with attitude, my attitude is negative about myself...etc.  Then I looked up disposition:  the predominant or prevailing tendency of one's spirit.  THAT is what I talking about when I'm looking at my own mindset.  What is the tendency of my own spirit?  Boy, that goes deep!  But that where change can only happen.  Yeah, we can change the outer shell, loose weight, eat right, exercise, change our hair and the list goes on.  These are not bad things.  It can help but only on the outside and it can be temporary.  In a matter of weeks, days, hours and even minutes we can be right back where we started.  
If you're ready for a change start paying attention to your heart.  What are you telling yourself during the fast pace of a day?  Is the day filled with uplifting messages of love, grace and peace?  Or is it filled with the latest expression of displeasure with the way you've let your self go?
Our mindset is that way to be Fit for Him!

Till next time!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I just received an email from someone that started me down the path of changing my mindset. This has been life changing for me.  I can't image life without it now.  But this didn't come about just because of the program.  It was believing God can transform from negative to  positive and beyond.  God provided the means and support of others while I worked on staying focused on Him.  The change is slow but permanent. A mindset will changed when we make the commitment.  Are you ready to become Fit for Him!

Till next time! 

Monday, July 28, 2008

Hooray God!

I have to share!  Last week was crazy for me at work and I wasn't able to finish all my work plus Josh (my faithful nephew/coworker) is on vacation.  Today I had to run payroll, Josh's job, and hadn't looked at it at all!  This is a form of self torture for me.  At work, my world is depends on functional organization, meaning my way or no way!  At first glance of payroll, in my minds eye it was chaos all over the place.  I could feel my brain being scrambled by confusion.  I couldn't get my brain in gear.  What to do!  Plus poor sweet Anna Marie went home sick!  
Pray!  God is the only hope. He will pull me out of the fire and to cool me off.  From that moment on it was all under control, His control!  The two of us sailed through the day with no mishaps or me being forgetful.  My stress level was low making the concentration high and focused.  By the time I finished at 4:50 pm I was singing God praises for His work!
"Hallelujah Praise Jehovah" from the heavens Praise His Name!!!!  You know the rest... 
He's making me Fit for Him!

Till next time!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Is there hope?

There are going to be days hopefully not weeks of struggle with food and that's where I am.  The last couple of days I've craved sugar more than usual.  For the most part I've been able to keep sugars to once or twice a week and that was easy to handle till now.  I'm thinking of sugar and craving it more...WHY!  Thank goodness I'm coming to my senses.  Not only stopping the carving but also in how I recover.  There have been times I would be very negative and even allow this to kill the desire of becoming fit.  But I want to recover in a productive way.  This can be a positive move that will strengthen my heart and resolve to continue.  I will not give up!!!  
Instead of listing what I've messed up I'll list what I did right!  This week I've been on the treadmill a total of 8 miles!  My attitude about exercising has improved making it easier to work out.  I'm still not drinking diet drinks and am drinking lots of water!  I'm loving salads, the more I eat them the more I love them.  Vegetable are my new friends!  I look for vegetable recipes all the time.  I am doing better!  
All this to say, by stopping and looking at the positives is a more valuable way of over coming. There will always be a choice of negative or positive ways of over coming and moving on.  I could have chosen to beat myself up that would bring about failure but choosing to focus on the positive will lead me to a healthier life that I love.
Being fit for Him means to do as He would have me do.  To love my negative thoughts into positive thoughts so that my actions will be positive.

Till next time!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Talk isn't cheap

How much of the time during the day have we spend any amount of time in quality conversation?A conversation that caused you to stop and think.  A conversation that allowed you to go deep with in yourself and see what is really inside.  For some of us we're blessed with having people in our lives that these types of conversations are typical.  Others will have the opportunity maybe once a week while others once a month or never.  Truly this is a personal preference and that is okay.  But...are we aware of the richness and growth it can bring to our lives?
Are we making the time for conversations that will move us, impact us, cause us to stop and think or help develop us?  If you're not then neither is someone else...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I just walked 2 miles for the second day.  I'm an on and off exerciser.  Probably I walk 6 months out of the year.  But with starting Fit for Him it has be a good jump start.  Thanks!  It's not that I don't like it, the truth is I love it.  I'm slightly competitive so by the time I've completed 2 miles my pace is faster then when I started.  For some reason I love pushing myself, though it may not look so.  So why wouldn't I be walking all the time?  I think I need the support of others.  I've been successful in the past with out others but never stick with it.  Knowing there is a group of wonderful women every week wanting to know how I did makes a difference. 

Thanks guys!


Sunday, July 13, 2008


I just came from a "Fit for Him" meeting and what an encouragement!  It was so moving to be in the same room with others that share the same goal.  The goal of changing our behavior and attitudes to becoming fit for Him.  This was a blessing from God and I thank you Father.  I have been strengthened by the honesty, truth and resolve that comes from these women's precious heart.  
One of the struggles I have as I journey through becoming fit is that very thing, honesty and truth. It is so much easier to give into the eating or not to exercise than tapping into the strengthen that is present within me.  I know it's there because I have used it for other people in my life.  My oldest daughter at the age of three became ill with Reyes Syndrome and was in coma for two weeks.  From the beginning I pour all my energy into caring for her.  I had to tap into strengthen I never as aware of.   All most effortlessly I moved through painful days that could be because of strengthen.   
Yes, that was a different situation.  We all move mountains for our children.  But the point is the strengthen is the same no matter what the driving force is.  Strengthen is strengthen and it is comes from with in you!
We can use this strengthen to become fit, grow in our job, love that person that is a challenge to love and to move mountains.  The source is what we need to knowledge.  God is the source of strengthen that He has planted with in us all, no matter what the situation is.  It was through God that Phillip and I were able to use our strengthen to care for our daughter.  God showed us that we could handle and make the tuff decisions.  It was God who showed us that we do have all we need within ourselves to patiently wait for healing.  It was God who showed us that we weren't alone and that others of all faiths were using their strengthen in prayer to the same God for healing.  
The message here is to grow in awareness and acceptance of your own strengthen.  God has suppled you with it.  Are you using it? 

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Here's an example of the negative inner talk.  Today I was really hungry for lunch.  Jake and I went to a cafe for soup and salad.  I usually have a small salad and cup of soup, not to bad you might say.  But the soup as a cream soup! mmm!  Well, the past three days I've been doing very good and by the four day, today, I was very hungry for something with substance and cream of broccoli cheese soup did it for me.  Normally I wouldn't have "bat an eye" over the choice but today the inner voice was questioning the choice and I was telling myself that I didn't have the eat all the soup.  Was that the truth?  Remember I was really hungry.  By the end of the meal I finished off all the soup and salad and boy was it good!  With the last bite the negative talk kicks in asking, was the cream soup the best choice?  Did I eat to much?  Well, I'll just exercise it off!  No, I shouldn't have ordered the cream soup!  Should'a, would'a, could'a the rest of the way till I'm distracted with something else.  
Does this sound familiar?   Let me know!

Till next time!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

so you say...?

What a difference a support group can make!  Even before the meeting on Sunday night I was able to gain control of eating.  What was the change?  For me it was the accountability. Knowing that others would be counting on me to walk the walk and talk the talk.  Now I have to do what I say.  
But there was a time in my life that my words didn't match my actions.  There was a time I didn't take my words seriously.  I thought nothing of starting the day saying to myself that today would be the day I would do something about my health.  Today would be the day that I would exercise or eat right.  Today I would look at myself with love and compassion.  All this played over and over in my head before I got up to face the day.  Then it all changed by the time I hit the shower.  Somewhere from my bed to the shower the record was switched.  All the promises, all the good intentions flew out the window in a flash.  It was back to the same old record playing in my head (self talk) of how bad I looked or how I've let myself go.  The self talk could very, depending on my mood.  If I woke up feeling okay with myself it wasn't to bad but if I woke up not okay, it was a struggle.  There were times that if I wasn't berating myself, I was thinking about the food I had to look forward to.  It was exciting to think about the food I could drown my sorrows in!  Food changed my mood in no time but only temporarily.  I could be excited, happy go lucky and ready to meet the day hit.  The anger and frustration of not being able to control myself.  This is damaging self talk.   Are you aware of the damage you're doing?    

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

In the Beginning...

Well, here we go!  My sweet sister suggested using a blog, thinking it would be a good way to add support for me and all the others who are looking to change bad eating and exercise behaviors. This change isn't easy.  Since February I have quit diet sodas and limited sugar but every day it is a struggle.  Some days are good some aren't.  As of today I've had four chocolate chip cookies, one M & M Blizzard and two double scoop chocolate mousse ice cream from BR! All of this since Saturday.  What can I say...I'm on a role.  
As you can see I need help and  having a community to turn to for support, advise and accountability is a start.  Trying to change bad behaviors alone is hard but asking for the help of others can ease the frustration and promote growth that will lead to change.  Help is a beautiful thing when open hearts are willing to listen and act on what God is showing us.  A community is God's way of talking through others for our benefit but we must be willing to listen, have an open mind and share.  
So as we begin this journey remember we are in it together!  Each one of us has something to offer the community no matter what it is.  Sharing will bring success to all who resolve to make the most of this journey and community.  So what are you waiting for...join in!

Till next time!